Retrieve Event Counts for an Organization (v2)

GET /api/0/organizations/{organization_id_or_slug}/stats_v2/

Query event counts for your Organization. Select a field, define a date range, and group or filter by columns.

Path Parameters

organization_id_or_slug (string)

The ID or slug of the organization the resource belongs to.

Query Parameters:

groupBy (array(string))
  • outcome
  • category
  • reason
  • project

can pass multiple groupBy parameters to group by multiple, e.g. groupBy=project&groupBy=outcome to group by multiple dimensions. Note that grouping by project can cause missing rows if the number of projects / interval is large. If you have a large number of projects, we recommend filtering and querying by them individually.Also note that grouping by projects does not currently support timeseries interval responses and will instead be a sum of the projectover the entire period specified.

field (string)
  • sum(quantity)
  • sum(times_seen)

the sum(quantity) field is bytes for attachments, and all others the 'event' count for those types of events.

sum(times_seen) sums the number of times an event has been seen. For 'normal' event types, this will be equal to sum(quantity) for now. For sessions, quantity will sum the total number of events seen in a session, while times_seen will be the unique number of sessions. and for attachments, times_seen will be the total number of attachments, while quantity will be the total sum of attachment bytes.

  • sum(quantity)
  • sum(times_seen)
statsPeriod (string)

This defines the range of the time series, relative to now. The range is given in a <number><unit> format. For example 1d for a one day range. Possible units are m for minutes, h for hours, d for days and w for weeks.You must either provide a statsPeriod, or a start and end.

interval (string)

This is the resolution of the time series, given in the same format as statsPeriod. The default resolution is 1h and the minimum resolution is currently restricted to 1h as well. Intervals larger than 1d are not supported, and the interval has to cleanly divide one day.

start (string)

This defines the start of the time series range as an explicit datetime, either in UTC ISO8601 or epoch seconds.Use along with end instead of statsPeriod.

end (string)

This defines the inclusive end of the time series range as an explicit datetime, either in UTC ISO8601 or epoch seconds.Use along with start instead of statsPeriod.

project (array(undefined))

The ID of the projects to filter by.

Use -1 to include all accessible projects.

category (string)
  • error
  • transaction
  • attachment
  • replay
  • profile
  • profile_duration
  • profile_duration_ui
  • profile_chunk
  • profile_chunk_ui
  • monitor

Filter by data category. Each category represents a different type of data:

  • error: Error events (includes default and security categories)
  • transaction: Transaction events
  • attachment: File attachments (note: cannot be combined with other categories since quantity represents bytes)
  • replay: Session replay events
  • profile: Performance profiles
  • profile_duration: Profile duration data (note: cannot be combined with other categories since quantity represents milliseconds)
  • profile_duration_ui: Profile duration (UI) data (note: cannot be combined with other categories since quantity represents milliseconds)
  • profile_chunk: Profile chunk data
  • profile_chunk_ui: Profile chunk (UI) data
  • monitor: Cron monitor events
  • error
  • transaction
  • attachment
  • replay
  • profile
  • profile_duration
  • profile_duration_ui
  • profile_chunk
  • profile_chunk_ui
  • monitor
outcome (string)
  • accepted
  • filtered
  • rate_limited
  • invalid
  • abuse
  • client_discard
  • cardinality_limited

See for more information on outcome statuses.

  • accepted
  • filtered
  • rate_limited
  • invalid
  • abuse
  • client_discard
  • cardinality_limited
reason (string)

The reason field will contain why an event was filtered/dropped.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • org:admin
  • org:read
  • org:write
curl{organization_id_or_slug}/stats_v2/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
{ "start": "2022-02-14T19:00:00Z", "end": "2022-02-28T18:03:00Z", "intervals": [ "2022-02-28T00:00:00Z" ], "groups": [ { "by": { "outcome": "invalid" }, "totals": { "sum(quantity)": 165665 }, "series": { "sum(quantity)": [ 165665 ] } } ] }
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