Automatic Detection

Learn how automatic detection of uptime monitoring works.

This feature is only available if your organization has enabled early adopter features. Early adopter features are still in-progress and may have bugs. We recognize the irony. If you’re interested in participating, enable early adopter features in organization settings.

The automatic detection of uptime alerts sets up uptime alerts for the most frequently encountered hostnames in all URLs of your error data. This helps ensure that critical hostnames are continuously monitored, enhancing the reliability and availability of your web services.

We analyze all the URLs detected in your project's captured error data to find the hostname that appears most frequently. We then create an uptime alert if it passes our uptime check criteria.

To avoid creating flaky alerts, the hostname undergoes an "onboarding period" of three days. During this period, we send HTTP requests to the hostname every hour. If the request fails at least three times, the hostname is dropped and re-evaluated after seven days.

If you prefer not to use automatically detected uptime alerts, you have two options to disable them:

  1. Deleting Uptime Alerts: You can directly delete existing automatically detected uptime alerts from your Alerts page. Once deleted, these alerts will not be re-created automatically in the future.
  2. Blocking Sentry via robots.txt: Another method to prevent automatic detection is by updating your hostname's robots.txt file to block Sentry’s uptime monitoring bot. To do this, add the following lines to your robots.txt file:
User-agent: SentryUptimeBot
Disallow: *

At present, automatically detected uptime alerts have limited editability. You cannot update the URLs associated with these alerts. Only the alert name and owner can be modified. The ability to edit URLs and other alert settings is planned for a future release. Additionally, each organization is limited to one automatically detected hostname.

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