
Learn about the features of Sentry's Kotlin Multiplatform SDK.

Sentry's Kotlin Multiplatform SDK enables automatic reporting of errors and exceptions. Because the SDK provides a unified API for all supported platforms directly leveraging the native SDKs for each platform, it also supports the same features as the native SDKs. Click on a link below to see relevant features for your platform:

Some functionality may not be available in the shared Kotlin Multiplatform layer yet. You may have to use the native SDKs directly, or write your own platform-specific code.

To access the native SDK init options, use the Native Platform Options initialization.

The table below lists supported platforms and their corresponding presets.

Target PlatformTarget Preset
  • androidTarget
  • jvm
  • iosArm64
  • iosX64
  • iosSimulatorArm64
  • macosArm64
  • macosX64
  • watchosArm32
  • watchosArm64
  • watchosX64
  • watchosSimulatorArm64
  • tvosArm64
  • tvosX64
  • tvosSimulatorArm64
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