
Registers handlers to capture global unhandled promise rejections. (default)

Import name: Sentry.onUnhandledRejectionIntegration

This integration is enabled by default. If you'd like to modify your default integrations, read this.

The onUnhandledRejectionIntegration registers handlers to capture global unhandled promise rejections.

  integrations: [Sentry.onUnhandledRejectionIntegration()],

Type: 'none' | 'warn' | 'strict'

This option defines what to do after capturing an unhandled rejection and mimics the behavior of node's --unhandled-rejection flag:

  • strict: Raise the unhandled rejection as an uncaught exception. If the exception is handled, unhandledRejection is emitted.
  • warn: Always trigger a warning, no matter if the unhandledRejection hook is set or not but do not print the deprecation warning.
  • none: Silence all warnings.

Defaults to warn.

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