Migrate from 0.x to 1.x

Learn about migrating from Sentry Capacitor SDK 0.x to 1.x

When upgrading to SDK version 1, please note the main breaking changes with Sentry Capacitor. More detailed information about breaking changes in the sibling SDKs can be found in the sibling migration guide.

  • Angular minimum supported version changed to version 14, upgrade to Angular 14 or higher for using the latest SDK.

  • When using the package @sentry/angular-ivy, you will need to replace it by @sentry/angular.

  • enableOutOfMemoryTracking was removed and replaced by enableWatchdogTerminationTracking.

  • Capacitor V1 requires Sentry JavaScript SDK on version 8.x. We recommend reading below migration guide docs to find out how to address any breaking changes when upgrading the sibling dependencies to version 8.

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