
Wraps native time and events APIs (`setTimeout`, `setInterval`, `requestAnimationFrame`, `addEventListener/removeEventListener`) in `try/catch` blocks to handle async exceptions. (default)

Import name: Sentry.browserApiErrorsIntegration

This integration is enabled by default. If you'd like to modify your default integrations, read this.

This integration wraps native time and event APIs (setTimeout, setInterval, requestAnimationFrame, addEventListener/removeEventListener) in try/catch blocks to handle async exceptions.

  integrations: [
      setTimeout: true,
      setInterval: true,
      requestAnimationFrame: true,
      XMLHttpRequest: true,
      eventTarget: true,

Type: boolean

Instrument the setTimeout browser built-in method.

Type: boolean

Instrument the setInterval browser built-in method.

Type: boolean

Instrument the requestAnimationFrame browser built-in method.

Type: boolean

Instrument the XMLHttpRequest browser built-in method.

Type: boolean | string[]

Instrument the addEventListener browser built-in method for a set number of default event targets. To override the default event targets, provide an array of strings with the event target names.

List of default event targets:

  • EventTarget
  • Window
  • Node
  • ApplicationCache
  • AudioTrackList
  • BroadcastChannel
  • ChannelMergerNode
  • CryptoOperation
  • EventSource
  • FileReader
  • HTMLUnknownElement
  • IDBDatabase
  • IDBRequest
  • IDBTransaction
  • KeyOperation
  • MediaController
  • MessagePort
  • ModalWindow
  • Notification
  • SVGElementInstance
  • Screen
  • SharedWorker
  • TextTrack
  • TextTrackCue
  • TextTrackList
  • WebSocket
  • WebSocketWorker
  • Worker
  • XMLHttpRequest
  • XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
  • XMLHttpRequestUpload
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