
Slog is a structured logging library for Go, introduced in Go 1.21. This guide demonstrates how to integrate slog with Sentry to capture and send logs to Sentry.

For a quick reference, there is a complete example at the Go SDK source code repository.

Go API documentation for the sentryslog package is also available.

go get

To integrate Sentry with slog, you need to set up a Sentry handler and configure the Sentry client.

import (


	sentryslog ""

func main() {
	// Initialize Sentry
	err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{
		Dsn:           "",
		EnableTracing: false,
	if err != nil {
	defer sentry.Flush(2 * time.Second)

	// Configure `slog` to use Sentry as a handler
	logger := slog.New(sentryslog.Option{Level: slog.LevelDebug}.NewSentryHandler())
	logger = logger.With("release", "v1.0.0")

	// Log messages with various attributes
				slog.String("id", "user-123"),
				slog.Time("created_at", time.Now()),
		With("environment", "dev").
		With("error", fmt.Errorf("an error")).
		Error("a message")

sentryslog provides options to configure the integration with Sentry. It accepts a struct of sentryslog.Options that allows you to configure how the handler will behave. The options are:

// Level sets the minimum log level to capture and send to Sentry.
// Logs at this level and above will be processed. The default level is debug.
Level slog.Leveler
// Hub specifies the Sentry Hub to use for capturing events.
// If not provided, the current Hub is used by default.
Hub *sentry.Hub
// Converter is an optional function that customizes how log records
// are converted into Sentry events. By default, the DefaultConverter is used.
Converter Converter
// AttrFromContext is an optional slice of functions that extract attributes
// from the context. These functions can add additional metadata to the log entry.
AttrFromContext []func(ctx context.Context) []slog.Attr
// AddSource is an optional flag that, when set to true, includes the source
// information (such as file and line number) in the Sentry event.
// This can be useful for debugging purposes.
AddSource bool
// ReplaceAttr is an optional function that allows for the modification or
// replacement of attributes in the log record. This can be used to filter
// or transform attributes before they are sent to Sentry.
ReplaceAttr func(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr

logger := slog.New(sentryslog.Option{
	Level: slog.LevelDebug,
	AttrFromContext: []func(ctx context.Context) []slog.Attr{
		func(ctx context.Context) []slog.Attr {
			return []slog.Attr{slog.String("request_id", "123")}

logger = logger.With("release", "v1.0.0")

			slog.String("id", "user-123"),
			slog.Time("created_at", time.Now()),
	With("environment", "dev").
	With("error", fmt.Errorf("an error")).
	Error("a message")

Note: Ensure Sentry is flushed before the application exits to avoid losing any pending events.

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