
Logrus is a structured logger for Go, used to log messages in different formats and levels. This guide demonstrates how to integrate Logrus with Sentry to capture and send logs to Sentry.

For a quick reference, there is a complete example at the Go SDK source code repository.

Go API documentation for the sentrylogrus package is also available.

go get github.com/getsentry/sentry-go/logrus
import (


	sentrylogrus "github.com/getsentry/sentry-go/logrus"

    logger := logrus.New()

	// Log DEBUG and higher level logs to STDERR
	logger.Level = logrus.DebugLevel
	logger.Out = os.Stderr

	// Send only ERROR and higher level logs to Sentry
	sentryLevels := []logrus.Level{logrus.ErrorLevel, logrus.FatalLevel, logrus.PanicLevel}

	// Initialize Sentry
	sentryHook, err := sentrylogrus.New(sentryLevels, sentry.ClientOptions{
		Dsn: "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0",
		BeforeSend: func(event *sentry.Event, hint *sentry.EventHint) *sentry.Event {
			if hint.Context != nil {
				if req, ok := hint.Context.Value(sentry.RequestContextKey).(*http.Request); ok {
					// Access the original Request here
			return event
		Debug:            true,
		AttachStacktrace: true,
	if err != nil {
	defer sentryHook.Flush(5 * time.Second)

	// Flushes before calling os.Exit(1) when using logger.Fatal
	// (else all defers are not called, and Sentry does not have time to send the event)
	logrus.RegisterExitHandler(func() { sentryHook.Flush(5 * time.Second) })

	// Log an InfoLevel entry to STDERR (not sent to Sentry)
	logger.Infof("Application has started")

	// Log an ErrorLevel entry to STDERR and Sentry
	logger.Errorf("oh no!")

	// Log a FatalLevel entry to STDERR, send to Sentry, and terminate the application
	logger.Fatalf("can't continue...")

sentrylogrus allows configuration via the New function, which accepts the levels to log and sentry.ClientOptions. The levels to log are the logrus levels that should be sent to Sentry. The sentry.ClientOptions are the same as the ones used in the sentry.Init function.

Use logrus as you normally would, and it will automatically send logs at or above the specified levels to Sentry.

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