Data Collected

See what data is collected by the Sentry SDK.

Sentry takes data privacy very seriously and has default settings in place that prioritize data safety, especially when it comes to personally identifiable information (PII) data. When you add the Sentry SDK to your application, you allow it to collect data and send it to Sentry during the runtime of your application.

The category types and amount of data collected vary, depending on the integrations you've enabled in the Sentry SDK. This page lists data categories that the Sentry Flutter SDK collects.

Many of the categories listed here require you to enable the sendDefaultPii option.

By default, the Sentry SDK doesn't send any HTTP headers. Even when sending HTTP headers is enabled, we have a denylist in place, which filters out any headers that contain sensitive data.

To start sending HTTP headers, set sendDefaultPii = true.

By default, the Sentry SDK doesn't send any information about the logged-in user, such as email address, user ID, or username. Even if enabled, the type of logged-in user information you'll be able to send depends on the integrations you enable in Sentry's SDK. Most integrations won't send any user information. Some will only set the user ID, but there are a few that will set the user ID, username, and email address.

To start sending logged-in user information, set sendDefaultPii = true.

By default, the Sentry SDK doesn't send the user's IP address. Once enabled, the Sentry backend services will infer the user ip address based on the incoming request, unless certain integrations you can enable override this behavior.

To enable sending the user's IP address, set sendDefaultPii = true.

The full request URL of outgoing and incoming HTTP requests is always sent to Sentry. Depending on your application, this could contain PII data.

The full request query string of outgoing and incoming HTTP requests is always sent to Sentry. Depending on your application, this could contain PII data.

The request body of incoming HTTP requests can be sent to Sentry. Whether it's sent or not, depends on the type and size of request body as described below:

  • The type of the request body:
    • JSON and form bodies are sent
  • The size of the request body: There's a maxRequestBodySize option that's set to NONE by default. This means by default no request body is sent to Sentry.

Our tool sentry_dart_plugin can upload your source code to Sentry, which can be used to show the lines of code where an error happened in the Issue Details page.

To opt into sending this source context to Sentry, you have to enable the feature as described in the Source Context documentation.

By default the Sentry SDK does not send the name or path of files when instrumenting File I/O.

If you want to send file names and paths, set sendDefaultPii = true.

By default the Sentry SDK does not send the name of the device.

If you want to send the device name, set sendDefaultPii = true.

By default, the SDK collects basic runtime information like the Dart version and platform.

When sendDefaultPii = true, additional runtime details are collected:

  • Executable path e.g flutter
  • Resolved executable locations e.g /system/bin/app_process64
  • Script path e.g file:///main.dart

While SQL queries are sent to Sentry, neither the full SQL query (UPDATE app_user SET password='supersecret' WHERE id=1;), nor the values of its parameters will ever be sent. A parameterized version of the query (UPDATE app_user SET password=? WHERE id=?;) is sent instead.

By default, the SDK collects basic UI interaction data while protecting sensitive information by excluding text content. This means button clicks and UI interactions are tracked, but without any text or labels that could contain personal or sensitive data.

When sendDefaultPii = true, the SDK will additionally collect text content from UI elements including:

  • Text content from buttons (for example, "Submit" or "Cancel" button labels)
  • Semantic labels that help describe UI elements for accessibility
  • Tooltip messages that appear when hovering over UI elements
  • Text labels from icons and other UI components

This additional text content can be useful for debugging and understanding user interactions, but should be enabled with caution if your UI contains sensitive information.

By default, our Session Replay SDK masks all text content, images, webviews, and user input. This helps ensure that no sensitive data is exposed. You can find more details in the Session Replay documentation.

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