Async Void

Learn how to safely run `async void` methods in your UI event handlers.

The Sentry SDK for .NET supports capturing exceptions thrown from async void methods. This is particularly useful for capturing exceptions when you need to run asynchronous code from UI event handlers.

The following example uses RunAsyncVoid in a button click event handler:

    private void OnFetchContentClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var client = new HttpClient();

        // This example passes an exception handler callback to RunAsyncVoid, which logs a warning if an exception occurs
            async () => await client.GetAsync(""),
            ex => _logger.LogWarning(ex, "Error fetching data")

        // This is an example of the same, omitting the exception handler callback. In this case, the default exception
        // handler will be used, which simply captures any exceptions and sends these to Sentry
        SentrySdk.RunAsyncVoid(async () => await client.GetAsync(""));
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